Saturday, 5 September 2009

Most Ancient Civilization

Does the oldest civilization go as far back as 10,000 years BC? Thats 12,000 years!

It seems skills such as agriculture, basic masonry and clay moulding etc were present at least 10,000 years ago.

20,000-year-old tools found by Taiwan team


RESEARCHERS in Taiwan have discovered what they believe is the island's oldest civilization, dating back about 20,000 years and belonging to a pygmy-like people that came from China's mainland, Southeast Asia or beyond, the team leader said yesterday.

Taiwan's Academia Sinica, which found more than 200 stone tools at the Ba Hsien Cave Site on the island's east coast, will return next year to seek clues about who was living there, leader Tsang Chen-hua said.

The civilization was probably a dark-skinned people similar to Negritos, a term that covers several ethnic groups of short stature in parts of Southeast Asia, Tsang said. Their exact origin and migration route remain a mystery.

"Where they're from is a good question. We propose saying they're Negritos, but we haven't found a human skull yet," Tsang said.

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